Why the picture of the salad, one might ask? Well not to mention the food was like eating in a fine dining restaurant for every meal....well they were fine dining restaurants but, even the buffet food was the best we have ever had...better than some cruises even. Hence the 3 pounds I added to my body!
On night we were eating at the Mexican restaurant and Steve had some potatowith his entree and he asked the waiter for some sour cream....ok the waiter came back with this salad as fast as he could and was like here you are sir, I almost lost it, I spit some food out both sides of my mouth I laughed so hard..they obviously noticed something was wrong with my lack of ability to control myself..he comes back to table and I try to say with my 4 years of high school Spanish, "crema de blanco por el potato"....oh, si si....now there are 3 of these cute little Mexicans working on getting the sour cream.....they return with a bowl of green soupish stuff maybe????? I am really having a difficult time trying NOT to embarrass any of us...but its not really working well... so at this time I think the entire staff is navigating this extraordinary request, so a busboy or some other helper thinks he knows just what we are trying to convey to them, he proudly comes out with a bowl of some creamy dressing like ranch and we are satisfied as one more episode might get me locked up somewhere. Steve is SO composed throughout this event, I can't fake it even an ounce....we have some good laughing material for the balance of our trip.
This was Iguanadona as I have affectionately named her....I never really did get that close though, but she was out every morning same place, same time, as I went to the gym each morning, said hello, walked past her as freaking fast as I could then said hello on my way back.....she was faithful! There were some other critters too that were around as the resort was tucked in a forest and I mean a dense, thick forest....that opened up to the Gulf, it was lovely. The lemurs were out eating in the palm trees, all the time and there was this bird that whistled it sounded like a guy whistling, I talked to him too and said thanks every time I heard him give a holler.
I was in the sun as much as possible, Steve on the other hand got sunburnt in the shade with his shirt on! I went from walking the seashore, to reading, to the water, to the bathroom, to the restaurant, to putting on Steve's sunscreen, to soaking up the sun, all in a day! Boy my decisions were many but very easy to make each and every day. I noticed that I really am a creature of habit myself, Iguanadona!