Friday, December 02, 2011

Elfy has arrived!

Elfy made his debut a few nights ago and the kids have been so excited to see the tricks and funny things that he has in store for them this year! Elfy was caught watching TV when the boys woke the other morning!  They left him a note telling them what they wanted and he wrote them one back telling them to keep their room clean!  Of course Elfy doesn't spell very well, so Kaden wrote him a not back telling him ever so bluntly how to spell and at the end of the note he writes in his bossy tone "all right"!  I wanted to tell him that that was spelled incorrectly too! 

 Elfy must have been thirsty last night and didn't know what that white stuff was in the jug, so he magically turned it green, we caught him enjoying his normal beverage almost.  Later that day we found him with his feet up in the air diving into the homemade chocolate chips cookies I made!  

 I was accused of possibly touching Elfy and he looses his magic when touched by humans.  Last night Elfy protected himself from the many hands that might encounter him "accidentally" and hid under a drinking glass!  I am pretty sure he is safe inside there at least for today anyway!   

 My tree went up the day after Thanksgiving and truly this picture doesn't do it justice, it really turned out super nice and is 12 feet tall but this picture makes it look skinny and small....sure wish pictures did that to me!  hehe  I love the holiday season and thankfully the snow has NOT come yet,  I hope it doesn't slam us all at once! Most of my shopping is done too! 


Ryan and Shannan Hoffman said...

Elfy is such a cute idea!!! And your tree is beautiful!

Grandma of Six Boys said...

Oh that Elfy...he is full of jokes and schemes. Better tell the boys to be good...BECAUSE ELFY REPORTS BACK TO SANTA!

Your tree looks lovely...You are a great decorator. Wish you were closer since I need decorating ideas big time.

Love, Mom xoxoxo