Well it all began with the packing of the trailer...we were all set to go when Colton comes running in the garage and says MOM, I had an accident. My mind wonders to what could it be this time.....well I turn around and his entire face is covered with blood along with his arms....I said oh my goodness what happened? I sneezed and got blood...He had blood on his eyelids it was a huge mess...I was so worried he could obviously tell cuz he said, don't worry mom I will be alright, its ok. Then Kade stubbed his big toe so badly that he lost the nail it was all swollen on the trip and we looked at it last night and its gone, sicko as Colton would say. The boys loved camping land as they call it being outdoors and fishing and riding the four wheelers...A heaven for the male species. They even like the dirt. Colton was roasting starburst candy over an unlight fire pit, pulling worms in half and as you will see from the pics always wearing a helmet whether it fit or NOT. At least he had on a helmet that is more than I can say for Austin...who decided to ride a bike with no brakes down a hill. Don't worry he was able to stop only he had to use his face and hands. See pic for the graphics. Other than that all was great food, fun and family can't complain at all.
1 comment:
Helmets and shoes always needs to be your memo! Can't do much with the bloody nose. Its dry in Utah, try pulling vaseoline in his nose. Please make sure you put neosporine on those cuts. They look pretty ugly. Boys will be boys..
Love, Grandma
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